Creative Alchemy:
Where Personal Transformation
and Creativity meet
An Monthly Online Gathering, for Women who want to Shine
We believe that being creative is one of the forgotten tools for the Heart and help you to follow your heart and not your head— to live as your Brightest-Best Self.
Creative Alchemy is designed to help you awaken, heal and begin to trust the connection to your inner guidance, to awaken your wildly creative, soulful self.
This community, led by Damini Celebre, is focused on how an embodied creative practice can foster deep happiness and transformation in your life.
Join Us If You Want To...
• Awaken your body-centered intuition
• Identify and dissolve the stories that are holding you back
• Gain new insight into yourself and your gifts
• Learn how to follow your Inner Guidance
• Deepen your sense of purpose and mission
• Regain clarity, focus, and most importantly, learn to think differently!
• Experience creativity as a spiritual transformational practice
• Meet other women that what to live as their Brightest-Best Self—you are not alone!
Women Should Join, who...
• Know it's time to step forward and say YES! to themselves.
• Who want to follow their Heart and not get sidetracked by the nay-sayers in your life.
• Who want to learn how intuitive creativity is key to a happy and fulfilling life.
• Who just love to create even though they can’t draw a straight line
• Want to reignite their spark for life and get un-stuck so that they can get back in the flow of their lives and dreams.
• Who want to be part of a loving and supportive community
Women Who, like You that want to learn transformation tools so that you can live as your brightest best self!
Each monthly gathering is an online, live, interactive offering (recordings are available throughout the month)
“A simple line painted with a brush, can lead to freedom and happiness””